Tray denesting technology
SPEED- DISP manufactured as a “twin head” (double head).
Two trays are denested synchronously.
For the OEM customer who manages the pneumatic control himself (which is only control of a 1/8′′ 5/2 pneumatic valve). The unit has been prepared to be built directly into existing equipment. In addition, there is an integrated spindle for adjusting the height in relation to different tray heights
For denesting of plastic tray
191 x 143,5 mm
The normal format of the denesting head for this tray is 400 x 400 mm. The customer needed built-in dimensions that were as small as possible.
New customer-adapted format: 360 x 332 mm.
Relatively large tray
length 560 x width 380 mm.
This was a very large and fragile tray, so the solution was to build in more than the usual 4 pcs.
A1 denesting wheels.
The aim was primarily to support the fragile tray at more points than usual.
A total of eight A1 denesting wheels are built in.
The number of trays in the tray stack was defined by the customer.
The weight of the tray stack was then 17 kg.
In order to achieve error-free tray denesting a double relief system was integrated into the SPEED-DISP macine.
Relatively large tray
length 428 x 270 mm.
This was a very large and fragile tray, so the solution was to build in more than the usual 4 pcs. A1 denesting wheels.
The aim was primarily to support the fragile tray at more points than usual.
In total, there are 10 A1 denesting wheels.
Made by Randers Hjemmesider