Tray denesting technology
When JKT receives a new request for tray denesting, we always ask the customer to send us a stack of the trays that the customer needs to have denested.
We assess the trays and prepare a detailed tray report. In the report we describe clearly if the tray is of a quality that makes it suitable for denesting by means of the SPEED-DISP A1 tray denesting technology.
The report is prepared with the aim of providing our customers with the best possible knowledge when they need factual information prior to investing in new tray denesting equipment.
Obviously, the report also states if we foresee even minor problems in the tray denesting.
Very often we also involve ourselves in the dialogue between our customers and their tray suppliers.
In connection with the tray report we refer to the JKT document
In this document we explain, among other things:
which trays can be denested by means of the SPEED-DISP A1 technology
the most fundamental details relating to tray quality and uniformity
the kinds of variations in the trays that JKT cannot accept.
Download the document and understand the relation between the trays´ quality and automatic SPEED-DISP A1 industrial tray denesting.
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